
發表於 2021/02/24 |  最後更新 2022/07/27 | 

資源共享之Top One

說時遲、那時快,在不足一個月的時間,Top One 冠昇寵物用品有限公司再次捐贈大量營養豐富的貓狗糧食予本中心,是次優質天然糧食全數由本中心貓狗受惠,本中心謹代表所有動物在此致謝!
香港動物領養中心成立十數年,不少在中心長大的貓狗隨年漸長現已年事已高,中心佔七至八成都是年紀老邁的動物,所面臨龐大的醫療開支已承受沉重的經濟壓力,幸虧有Top One這些單位無私的贊助,一直以來的支持使得本中心毛孩的糧食不缺乏,實在不勝感激!你們的捐贈都是參與我們的拯救工作,有賴互相扶持,拯救的路才能走得更遠更長!
In the twinkling of an eye in an instant, in less than a month, Top One Pet Supplies Ltd. once again donated a large amount of nutritious pet food to HKAAC. This time, all the high-quality natural pet foods to the cats and dogs at HKAAC. On behalf of our furry friends, HKAAC would like to express our deepest gratitude to Top One!
The Hong Kong Animal Adoption Centre has been established for more than ten years, many cats and dogs in the centre are now getting older. Around 70-80% of the animals in the centre are of senior age, therefore the huge medical expenses involved have been quite an economic burden to HKAAC.
Fortunately, with the selfless sponsorship of Top One, their untiring support has provided our fur friends with abundant supply of food. We really appreciate it! Your donations is part of our rescue works, with the mutual support, the road to salvation can go on and on!