
發表於 2021/02/24 |  最後更新 2022/07/27 | 


在這疫症橫行的時期,除了我們要保持強健體魄,弱小的動物們也少不了要強身健體。香港動物領養中心HKAAC在此感謝騰力素中國控股有限公司,關注有需要的動物,捐贈了等滲飲料 (isotonic drink) 給本中心的貓狗,DoggyRade及KittyRade分別為給狗狗及貓貓的即開即用飲料,YummyRade則是幫助貓貓狗狗更「開胃」的營養餐飲劑。產品包含電解質有助動物身體吸收更多水分,並吸引牠們更愛喝水;亦包含益生元協助恢復腸道功能及健康。本中心已開始給予貓貓及狗狗飲用,經飲用後牠們顯著精神及健康!而剛剛新領養回家的動物,因轉了環境,擔心影響食慾,平常的飲食可讓牠們更快更易適應新環境。香港動物領養中心HKAAC再一次感謝騰力素中國控股有限公司!
During the pandemic, not only do we humans need to maintain our health, but our small animal friends also need to keep up their physical health. Hong Kong Animal Adoption Centre (HKAAC) would like to take this opportunity to express our sincerest gratitude to Tonisity China Holding Limited for their generous sponsorship of their palatable isotonic beverages for our doggy and kitty friends at HKAAC.

DoggyRade and KittyRade are isotonic beverages while YummyRade is a meal enhancer for dogs and cats. They contain electrolytes that improves fluid intake and prebiotics are good for intestinal health. During this short period at HKAAC, our animals became more energetic and healthy! When an animal gets adopted, there is always an adjustment period, especially the appetite may be affected. These beverage are great to ensure proper nutrition is maintainable.

HKAAC would like to thank Tonisity China Holding Limited for their generosity and dedication to animal welfare.